Azawakh vs Greyhound: A-Z Breed Comparison

Azawakh and Greyhound are two dog breeds that share certain similarities while possessing unique characteristics. If you’re considering adding a sighthound breed to your family, it’s important to understand the differences between Azawakh vs Greyhound to make an informed decision. 

This article will delve into their histories, physical characteristics, temperaments, trainability, exercise needs, health concerns, grooming requirements, suitability as family pets, and more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Azawakh and Greyhound, allowing you to determine which breed best aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.

Origins and History

The Azawakh and the Greyhound have distinct historical backgrounds that have shaped their development as breeds.


azawakh on leash

The Azawakh, also known as the Tuareg Sloughi, hail from the Sahara Desert and are deeply rooted in the culture and history of the nomadic Tuareg people. These elegant sighthounds were primarily bred for hunting and tracking down game in the harsh desert terrains. 

With their exceptional speed and keen eyesight, Azawakhs were essential companions for nomadic tribes, providing protection and assistance in hunting.


two greyhounds

The Greyhound, on the other hand, has a rich history that traces back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, where they were revered as royal companions. Known for their unmatched speed and grace, Greyhounds were highly regarded by the nobility for their hunting prowess. 

Over time, Greyhounds became symbols of wealth and prestige and were often found in the company of kings and queens.

Physical Attributes

The Azawakh and the Greyhound possess striking physical features contributing to their exceptional speed and agility.


The Azawakh possesses a unique and elegant physical appearance. With their slender build and long legs, they are built for speed and agility. Here are some key physical attributes of the Azawakh:

  • Height: Azawakhs typically measure 24 to 29 inches (61 to 74 cm) at the shoulder.
  • Weight: Adult Azawakhs usually weigh between 35 and 55 pounds (16 to 25 kg).
  • Coat: Their short, fine coat comes in various colors and patterns, including fawn, red, brindle, and black. The coat requires minimal grooming.
  • Ears and Tail: Azawakhs have high-set, pendant ears and a long, whip-like tail that tapers to a point.


The Greyhound is the epitome of grace and athleticism. Their sleek, aerodynamic body allows them to reach incredible speeds. Let’s take a closer look at the physical attributes of Greyhounds:

  • Height: Greyhounds generally stand between 27 to 30 inches (69 to 76 cm) tall at the shoulder.
  • Weight: Adult Greyhounds typically weigh between 60 and 70 pounds (27 to 32 kg).
  • Coat: Their short coat can come in a wide range of colors, including various shades of fawn, brindle, black, and white. Grooming requirements are minimal.
  • Ears and Tail: Greyhounds have small, rose-shaped ears and a long, slender tail that curves slightly upward.

Temperament and Personality

While the Azawakh and the Greyhound share certain traits, they also have distinct temperaments that set them apart.


azawakh running on beach

The Azawakh are known for their loyalty and affection toward their family members. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on companionship and attention. 

However, Azawakhs can be reserved and aloof with strangers, displaying an instinct to protect their loved ones. They are generally quiet dogs but may become vocal when they sense potential threats.


Greyhounds are often described as gentle and calm dogs. Despite their athletic abilities, they have a laid-back disposition and enjoy relaxing with their human companions. 

Greyhounds are typically friendly and sociable with their family members and strangers. Their affectionate nature makes them excellent family pets, and are known to be good with children.

Trainability and Intelligence


Azawakhs have an independent nature and can be somewhat stubborn regarding training. While they are intelligent dogs, they may not always be eager to please. 

Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement methods work best when training an Azawakh. Early socialization is crucial to ensure they develop into well-rounded dogs.


greyhound with tongue out

Greyhounds, on the other hand, are quick learners and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. They strongly desire to please their owners and are generally more obedient than Azawakhs. 

However, it’s important to note that Greyhounds can be sensitive, so gentle handling and positive reinforcement are key to their successful training.

Exercise and Training Needs

The Azawakh and the Greyhound require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being.


As a sighthound breed, the Azawakh has an instinct to chase and run. They thrive in environments where they have space to stretch their legs and engage in physical activities. 

Regular daily exercises, such as long walks, free runs in secure areas, and occasional opportunities to sprint, are essential to keep an Azawakh happy and healthy. Mental stimulation through training and interactive play is also crucial for their overall well-being.


Similarly, Greyhounds have high exercise needs due to their dynamic nature. Contrary to popular belief, Greyhounds do not require excessive exercise but bursts of intense activity followed by ample rest. 

They are known as “45 mph couch potatoes” because, despite their impressive speed, they are content with moderate exercise and enjoy lounging around the house. Daily walks, short sprints in a secure area, and mental stimulation through puzzle toys or training sessions are ideal for Greyhounds.

Health and Lifespan

Considering the health and lifespan of a dog breed is crucial for potential owners.


cute azawakh

The Azawakh is generally a healthy breed with minimal genetic health issues. However, like all breeds, they may be susceptible to certain conditions, including hip dysplasia, autoimmune disorders, and bloat. 

Responsible breeders conduct health screenings to minimize the risk of these issues. On average, Azawakhs have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years.


Greyhounds are known for their overall good health. However, they may be prone to specific health concerns, such as bloat, osteosarcoma (bone cancer), and dental issues. 

Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and proper dental care, are essential for maintaining their well-being. Greyhounds have a lifespan of 10 to 14 years on average.

Grooming and Maintenance


Azawakh dogs have short and smooth coat that requires minimal grooming. Occasional brushing to remove loose hair and regular nail trimming is usually sufficient to keep them looking their best. 


Greyhounds also have a short coat that is easy to maintain. However, their thin skin requires extra care, such as protecting them from extreme temperatures and gentle handling during grooming sessions.

Compatibility and Living Conditions 


Azawakhs are fiercely loyal to their families and can be excellent guard dogs. However, their independent nature and strong prey drive require careful management when living with small animals or cats. 

They thrive in homes with experienced dog owners who understand their needs and can provide the necessary exercise, mental stimulation, and a secure environment.


Greyhounds are renowned for their gentle and friendly nature. They generally get along well with other dogs and live harmoniously in multi-pet households

Due to their thin coat and lean body, Greyhounds are sensitive to extreme temperatures and may require extra protection in colder climates. They make great companions for families and individuals alike, including those living in apartments or houses with small yards.

Popularity and Availability


Azawakh dogs are still relatively rare and may be less readily available than more popular breeds. However, their popularity has been gradually increasing, and dedicated breeders and enthusiasts can be found in various parts of the world. 


Conversely, Greyhounds are more widely known and available through adoption centers, rescue organizations, and reputable breeders in many regions.

Considerations for Potential Owners

Before deciding between an Azawakh and a Greyhound, there are several factors potential owners should consider. These include their living arrangements, lifestyle, and preferences. 

Both breeds thrive in homes with secure, fenced yards to accommodate their exercise needs. Additionally, their grooming requirements, trainability, and compatibility with children or other pets should also be considered. 

Researching and interacting with both breeds is crucial to determine which one aligns best with your circumstances and preferences.


In conclusion, Azawakh and Greyhound are remarkable sighthound breeds with unique qualities and characteristics. While Azawakh dogs possess a regal elegance and independence, Greyhounds charm with their gentle and loving nature. 

Understanding their differences in history, physical attributes, temperaments, trainability, exercise needs, and suitability as family pets is essential in making an informed choice. Both breeds bring joy and companionship to their owners, so consider your lifestyle and preferences to find the perfect match for your family.


Can Azawakh and Greyhound coexist in the same household?

Azawakh and Greyhound can coexist in the same household if introduced properly and given adequate socialization. Monitoring their interactions and providing a harmonious environment is essential for successful cohabitation.

Which breed requires more exercise, Azawakh or Greyhound?

Greyhounds generally require more exercise compared to Azawakh dogs. They have a higher energy level and a stronger instinct for running, necessitating regular opportunities for vigorous exercise.

Are Azawakh dogs suitable for first-time dog owners?

Azawakh dogs may not be the best choice for first-time owners due to their independent nature and specific training needs. They require experienced owners who can provide consistent leadership and positive reinforcement training.

How do Azawakh and Greyhound fare in different climates?

Azawakh and Greyhound can adapt to different climates but may require additional care in extreme temperatures. In colder climates, providing them with suitable shelter and protective clothing is important, while in hotter climates, keeping them cool and hydrated is essential for their well-being.

Evan S. Conaway
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