Are Greyhounds Good Apartment Dogs

It’s natural to assume that large dogs can’t live in small spaces, but that’s not strictly true. Depending on the dog breed, you might find larger couch potatoes than small dogs. It’s all about the temperament and overall behavior of the dog.

So, what about greyhounds? Greyhounds actually suit apartment living quite well despite their size, but, of course, some challenges come with such a large dog living in a small area. If you’re prepared and organized, greyhounds can make amazing apartment dogs. 

Why Greyhounds Make Good Apartment Dogs

do greyhounds do well in apartments or not

Energy Levels

Despite appearances, greyhounds aren’t more active than other dog breeds. They’re sprinters, built for short bursts of speed, so if you take them out regularly (2-3 twenty-minute walks), they don’t need much space within the home. 

In fact, they’re known to be quite lazy. Most greyhounds, especially if they’re retired racers, would rather stay indoors cuddled on the sofa than waste energy on walking.

They also really hate cold or wet weather, so if you live in a colder climate, you might struggle to get them to walk.

They’re Quiet

Unlike many dog breeds known for being yappy and loud, greyhounds rarely bark unless there’s something wrong. They’re almost at the top of “the list of quietest breeds”. This makes them great apartment dogs as they won’t bother your neighbors. 

Crate Training

Greyhounds actually like small spaces. Their temperament means that they bond with you quickly and really want to protect you and the home. However, they can suffer from anxiety; the larger your home is, the more anxiety it provokes.

Therefore, having a smaller living space can actually ease their anxiety and make them feel more confident about doing their job

For the same reasons, greyhounds respond really well to crate training, meaning that you can be confident that your greyhound will be fine in a crate while you’re out of the house.

Perfect Temperaments

Greyhounds are known for being incredibly affectionate dogs and their favorite pastime will be cuddling up with you and sleeping. They’re one of the largest ‘lap dogs’ you’ll encounter.

The closer they are to you, the better they’ll feel, so the amount of space they have doesn’t really matter to them as long as you’re in it. 

They Don’t Shed Much

Because greyhounds have short fur, you can be confident that your apartment will be fairly fur-free.

They’re easy to clean up after, and although they aren’t classed as hypo-allergenic, their type of fur means they can still be suitable for people with minor allergies, even in confined spaces. 

The ‘dog smell’ sometimes present when you enter a tiny home is usually due to the long fur that dogs shed. The fine, short hair that a greyhound has and the fact that they don’t shed much means you won’t get a doggy smell.

Why Greyhounds Make Bad Apartment Dogs

do greyhounds make good apartment dogs

Large Breed

Even though we’ve established that greyhounds don’t need too much space to run around in the home, they are still a large breed. Males can reach up to 36kg (80lb) and about 71cm (28in) at the shoulder. Females are slightly shorter and reach around 29kg (65lb).

You’ll need to consider how big your apartment is and whether you’ll be able to fit a greyhound; if it’s a really cramped studio, it’s probably not the best idea.

They Are Extremely Sociable

Greyhounds are incredibly sociable, especially if they’ve been brought up to be racing dogs. They’ll stay with their mother for much longer and will most likely work alongside their brothers and sisters on the track.

This means they’re usually not as happy if they live alone. You might need to consider getting two greyhounds if you’re not home often.


Greyhounds are no different from any other type of dog for walking. They need a walk 2-3 times daily to take care of toileting needs.

You can’t litter train a greyhound like you can with cats and some small dogs, so you’ll need to consider how far away you are from an outdoor space to accommodate these walkies.

Can You Leave A Greyhound Alone All Day?

Can You Leave A Greyhound Alone All Day

Greyhounds are incredibly intelligent dogs, which means they get bored very quickly if they’re left on their own.

This, coupled with separation anxiety, can mean that they damage apartments just because they want to play and find something to do to take their mind off you being gone.

All dogs are pack animals and suffer from loneliness, and greyhounds are primarily known for their loving and affectionate temperaments. For this reason, it’s recommended that you don’t leave your greyhound for more than 6 hours a day.

If you plan to be away for 12+ hours at a time, it’s best to employ a dog sitter to look after your greyhound and spend some time playing with them.

Do Greyhounds Have Separation Anxiety?

Do Greyhounds Have Separation Anxiety

Yes, greyhounds are known for having separation anxiety. In fact, it’s one of the most common behavioral problems affecting greyhounds.

This means you might have to make more effort to make them feel comfortable. For this reason, they aren’t the best choice for people with a busy lifestyle or demanding jobs.


So, yes! Greyhounds make great apartment dogs if you follow proper measures.

Remember that smaller areas are actually better for greyhounds when they’re alone. Still, if your greyhound is left to roam around your apartment and not left in a crate, keep your eyes peeled for signs of anxiety or stress. 

Plenty of love and affection, exciting and interesting toys, and regular walks should ensure your greyhound loves apartment life.  

By the way, if you have a cat in your apartment, read this.

Evan S. Conaway
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2 thoughts on “Are Greyhounds Good Apartment Dogs”

  1. Thank you, Evan. All good advice!

    Are there lots of purebred greyhounds available from the people who recover them from race tracks?

    Also: people who get mixed breeds that are part-greyhound must not expect their dog to show only greyhound attributes. The other parent’s attributes may show up or even dominate as the dog matures. People should find out what breed or mix the other parent was so you can consider whether the attributes of that breed are ok with you, or not. If you can’t find out the other parent’s breed, then be prepared to accept and deal kindly with any unwelcome surprises, or don’t get the dog.

    • Yeah, quite a few purebred Greyhounds are being rescued from the races, as you can imagine.

      Regarding mixed breeds, we’ve covered quite a few in detail. Check out the category at the top.

      Totally agree with your sentiments there! 🙂


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